Accelerate your research with our innovative organ-on-a-chip device

Our OoC device can simulate any organ by controlling all parameters, bridging the gap between cell and animal experiments.

Integrated incubation system modeled on the lungs

Ideal cell culture
  • Simple, automated and contamination-free handling of the media
  • Differently controllable flow channels
Non-invasive measurements
  • Measurement of acidity, oxygen consumption and nutrient content
  • All parameters can be varied
  • The device can always be extended with new measurements and control of parameters
Easy to use
  • Touch display
  • Plug&Play system
One platform for your own chip designs

Organ-on-a-Chip made easy for precise experiments

I. Chips

  • bulletSingle & Multi-Organ Chips
  • bulletFree choice of material
  • bulletLive microscopy during the experiment

II. Consumables

  • bulletSimple, automated and contamination-free handling of the media
  • bullet1 organ kit = 1 experiment

Why OoC?

OoC is a technology that enables scientists to study highly realistic models of tissues and diseases. It also offers the possibility to observe these studies live and to work directly with human cells. It is an attractive alternative to controversial and costly animal experiments and is physiologically much more accurate than conventional cell culture experiments.


Challenges of OoC


Blocked infrastructure

Conventional systems block the infrastructure by occupying various devices


Everything for your OoC experiment is integrated in our device

Lack of adaptivity

Limited to individual organs; Not all parameters are controllable; Conventional closed systems are hardly expandable


The system can be extended to meet your specific requirements

Difficult entry

Difficult entry for scientists without experience with OoC


By making it easy to use, we facilitate access to OoC

High costs

Previously associated with high acquisition costs


Due to the favorable price, the investment is amortized more quickly
How it works

Procedure of an experiment with VitrofluidiX

Below you can see a sample experiment setup with VitrofluidiX.

Step 1

First, you set the parameters and store in the system which media you want to use. Predefined protocols for different organs with correspondingly set parameters and media are available. However, you also have the option of creating your own protocols or adapting the parameters and media to your research project. In the next step, you place the corresponding media in the openings provided.

Step 2

Now comes the central part of the experiment: the organ-on-a-chip. Here, the corresponding cells of the organ to be simulated are implanted into the chip. The finished chip is then inserted into the incubation chamber and connected to the device. For the chips, you can choose between a single-organ-on-a-chip (2-roof usable) and a double-organ-on-a-chip. You can also use a specially designed chip.

Step 3

When you have completed the previous steps, you can start the experiment. The organ simulation begins!

Contact us now and let's find the perfect solution for your research project together!

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